The Golden Empire Gleaners works with hundreds of agencies and organizations to provide food to families and individuals in need. Most of our clients are by referral from our partnering agencies.
COUNTY OF KERN: Contact your caseworker if your receive any service from the county such as Cash Aid, CalFresh, Mental Health, etc.
All other Kern County areas, please call: (800) 273-2275
SCHOOLS: Contact your child's school office - Bakersfield City School District and most Kern County high schools make referrals.
CHURCHES: If you are a member of a congregation, ask if your church is a partnering organization - the Golden Empire Gleaners partner with many local churches.
Orientation for new agencies or new authorized callers is held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 11:00 am. Please show up on time and sign in. The orientation usually lasts for about 30 minutes in includes a tour of our facility.
The Senior Sack Program has been operating continuously for over 29 years at 24 different sites throughout Kern County.
Eligible Seniors whose annual income is $15,000 or below must register at a site in their local area.
The Golden Empire Gleaners delivers food to each site twice a month to be distributed to registered seniors. Each "Senior Sack" offers 10-12 items including fresh fruits and vegetables, bread, boxed staples and canned food.
The Senior Sack program is designed to provide both a health benefit of providing fresh, nutritious food and a mental health benefit by providing social interaction and activities at each site as seniors pick up their food. By having seniors come in-person, they are introduced to information about other supportive services available to them.
Our Programs
About the Event
Oil Can Do It - June thru August
The Oil Can Do It campaign kicks off in June each year. Oil companies throughout Kern County go head to head to help fight hunger in Kern County.
Oil Can Do It has been a local tradition for over 20 years. It is a friendly competition between the local oil companies to see which one can make the largest contribution to The Gleaners measured in terms of food and financial contributions.
Every year local oil companies and their employees out-do themselves. The dedication and hard work of the oil companys' employees puts food on the tables of families throughout the community. We thank everyone who participates and donates to make this even such a consistent success.

Every March KGET-TV, supports The Gleaners by sponsoring a very successful one-day food drive held at the KGET studio. This year the KGET Food Drive will be held in March 2025 at the KGET Studios.
In 2022, 10,361 pounds of food were collected along with cash donations.
Community events like this are the only way The Gleaners can continue to feed the hungry.​​

This event kicks off in October and runs through the end of the year. It is a friendly competition between Kern County Departments to see who can raise the most pounds of food. Donations consist of cash and nonperishable food items. The winning department will join the Gleaners for lunch!
This year will be Aera’s 25th year providing complete Thanksgiving meals to cook at the Gleaners. Aera includes everything even the pumpkin pie and cool whip! We are grateful for all they do to support local families in need at Thanksgiving.

Our local mail carriers come together in support of a national program providing food to community food banks. It’s a convenient way to help “Stamp Out Hunger” in Kern County.
May 2025 date to be determined
Leave a bag or box of non-perishable food at your mailbox in May, or drop it off at your local Post Office. The Gleaners will gather the food and make sure it finds its way to hungry families.

Great deals on NEW and slightly used items!
NEW TOYS, Mattresses, Lawnmowers, Pet Food, Cleaning Supplies, and so much more.
Next Yard Sale will be on February 8
SATURDAY 6:00 AM - 8:30 AM - Come early!
Golden Empire Gleaners - 1326 30th St. Unit A