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Helping Alleviate Hunger 
in Kern County

Our Goal, Vision & Commitment

Check out our Calendar of Events 

Volunteer, Participate, or Donate

Kern County's food insecurity ranks among the highest in the nation.  The Gleaners works closely with more than 125 nonprofit and community agencies to identify those in need of food. 

Our Sponsors

We could not do what we do without the help of our generous sponsors.

Join Us

to help end hunger

in Kern County


Golden Empire Gleaners

Helping alleviate hunger in

Kern County.




1326 30th Street, Unit A

Bakersfield, California 93301




The Golden Empire Gleaners Food Bank warehouse is open from 

8:00 am until 2:00 pm Monday through Friday.

We close from 11:45 am - 12:30 pm for lunch. 

We are closed on the first Friday of every month for inventory.


Please visit the HOURS AND HOLIDAYS page

for more information on inventory and holiday closures.


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